Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Did you ever watch a rerun of your favorite show? If it's a sitcom, you know when the punch line is coming and you still laugh, even after seeing the episode a few times. I can still watch an episode of "Good Times" and fall on the floor in convulsions when J.J. says, "Kid DY-NO-MMIITTEE!", or Florida would say, "DAMN... DAMN... DAMN!". And I can't tell you how many times I have laughed at Redd Foxx portraying Fred Sanford, having one of his many heart attacks and saying, "This is the big one Elizabeth... I'm coming to join ya honey." Or Martin Lawrence telling Cole, "Tommy ain't got no job!" See, I can watch that over and over and know when the punch line is coming and still laugh.

It's kinda like this election... "Clinton wins Kentucky", "Obama wins Oregon", "Obama leading in delegates", and "Clinton vowing to continue her campaign." I could rewrite my post, "Won't Stop...Can't Stop." I could rewrite my post, "Untitled (I'm Not Going To...)". And I could rewrite my post, "OK, So I Lied :)". I could do that and bring up the same points over and over again but, not as funny.

It's a rerun... but, in a sitcom, you know when the commercial break is coming and you know when the episode is over. This thing between Obama and Clinton has no ending. It has the same plotline. It has the same sub-plot (Clinton needs people to loan her money to wipe out her debt). It even has an imagined conclusion that we are waiting to see.

I'm exhausted, aren't you? It's time for a new show. One can only watch reruns for so long. Somebody please tell Hillary that it's over... that her husband was "The Comeback Kid" but, she's not. Please end this so a strategy can be planned for the fall election.

Hey, does anybody know if Mike Gravel dropped out of the race yet?

1 comment:

640-822 said...

Really, Enough said.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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