Okay, it's Friday so I wanted to do something light. I have heard a lot of stories from women and a few guys of horrible first dates. I was having lunch inside yesterday because it was raining and a couple of my co-workers and I were talking about something they called a "Deal Breaker". It's the one thing a person might do that would make you say... "Nah, I don't think I'll ever go out with this person or I'll never sleep with this person." It's usually something that has to do with hygiene or the lack of it. Here is my story of one such deal breaker. After all these years, I'd almost forgotten about this incident. Check it out...
I was a junior in college and I had just moved off campus and into town. I had my first apartment and I was living with one of my frat brothers... the one that freaked out at the thought of going to the spring formal on a school bus because of what "THE WHITE PEOPLE" would think of us. He had these two girls from campus who came by our apartment all the time... I'll call them
Vonnie and Camay. They seemed like the best of friends but, something about them always seemed a little off kilter. You know, like maybe they weren't as chummy as they appeared to be. Both were nice looking girls, petite, and about the same dress size so, as a result, they often wore each other's clothes. A blouse here, a pair of pants there, a skirt, or what have you.
It seemed that every time I came to my apartment from class, one or both of them was there. I asked my frat brother which one of them he was interested in and he told me neither. My next question was... "Well, why are they always over here?" He explained that the three of them were friends and they were all just kickin' it. Cool. They got high together, studied together, stayed up all night playing cards, and watched TV. I was kind of attracted to Camay so, I started staying up with them talking to her and eventually wound up going back to campus with her to her room. It was close to homecoming that year and Earth ,Wind & Fire
(EWF) came to our college for homecoming. We had people coming up from Lincoln, Cheyney, Millersville, West Chester, and Pitt to see them. It was the biggest thing going. Camay and I were supposed to go see them and that morning, we were in her room together. I helped her take a big bag of her laundry down to the basement where the washers and dryers were.
When we got back to her room she said... "Oh, my God... I had so much laundry to do that I don't have any clean bras or panties left." I said to her, "Well, the concert ain't for five hours... your clothes will be finished by then." She said, "Oh I'm not folding any clothes today... I'll just see what Vonnie has in her drawer." I was floored! In total amazement I said, "Hey, what did you say?" She said just as nonchalantly... "Oh, we always wear each other's clothes... she's like my sister." I said, "Yeah... clothes are one thing but, underwear is kind of private. You all don't always do this, do you?" I asked. She said... "Well, I haven't gone this far before but, this is an emergency. Don't you want me to have clean drawers on when we go to see Earth, Wind & Fire?" I was skeeved, but I played it cool. I said to her, "I don't think she'd appreciate it if you did something like that. Don't go in her things." Camay just looked at me and smirked, "It's not like I'm not gonna wash them." I was completely turned off. Any attraction I might have had for this girl just went straight out of the window. I sat there in amazement as she went through the other girl's panty drawer, as though I wasn't in the room. I don't care how close they were.
Nobody is that close, nor should they be. Feel me?If nothing else, I was a man of my word so, I did take her to the Earth,Wind & Fire concert. She had on a nice tight pair of jeans with the zippers up the legs and a bright blouse. All I could think about the entire time was her underwear... whether it was hers or her roommate's. When she asked me to slow dance while EWF was singing "Reasons", I kept thinking about that so, I couldn't even get into the dance. I was just completely turned off. After the dance, she asked me if I wanted to go up to her room and I declined. I told her that I was tired. I went back to the apartment and, for once, it was empty so I watched television the rest of the night. I couldn't bring myself to tell my frat brother. I didn't know what he'd think. I didn't have to wait too long to find out.
The next morning he came home and told me... "Keith... man, you won't believe this... those two girls got into a big fight last night. Did you know that Camay wore a pair of Vonnie's draws to the concert last night! Hahahahahahaha! Oh man... Vonnie hit the ceilin' and kicked her butt! Man, it took about three people to break that up. Hahahahahahahahahaha! That's some low down, backwater, backwoods crap right there. I told Vonnie about always lettin' Camay wear her clothes. I told her it was gonna get deep one day... I told her!"
He kept on laughing and he called a couple of guys to tell them about it. I finally told him that I had been over in the room with her and saw her do it. I didn't actually
see her do it but, I saw her pull them out and heard her say what her intentions were. He laughed even harder. Ice, the Que, used to go with her and he told me, "Man, I always thought she was "common" like that, that's why I had to cut her loose. Keith, I sure hope you didn't sleep with her." I never answered the question. I felt sick to my stomach just thinking about it. One thing I did know... there was no way I could be involved with her ever again.
The friendship between Vonnie and Camay was over and the two never roomed together again. Even though Camay washed, dried, and ironed the underwear, Vonnie never accepted them back... she told her she could keep them. Camay never understood what all the fuss was about and never thought that she did anything wrong. Most of the people that heard about it, looked at her and laughed behind her back. She just never got it.
It has been said that back in those days, when it came to women, I didn't have any standards but, here was proof that I did. This was my "deal breaker". Does anybody out there have any type of behaviors or actions that are "Deal Breakers" when dating? I would love to hear about them.