Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Allergic to Winter

It's a slow news week...So I'm going to do what I usually do..complain about the weather...

I live in Philadelphia...To date..We've gotten 37 plus inches of snow in just the first five weeks of this year...I hate snow!....I hate Ice...I hate being cold...I hate winter...Action News is forecasting another snow storm for to night as I write this into tomorrow and then more for Saturday....This Winter is wearing me out!

So How to cope?

1. Exercise. The first thing you can do to shake off those winter blues is to exercise. Physical activity boosts serotonin levels in your body which helps to fend off depression. If it’s not too cold, go outside and take a good, long power walk.I could do this...but I doubt that I will.

2. Get Into the Light. Both natural and artificial sunlight have great benefits, so open the blinds and let those rays (what few there may be) in. If it’s an overcast day, turn on some lights inside the house instead.
There is lights on in my house...Not much light outside though!

3. Increase your social interaction. It’s easy to stay indoors when it gets cold or bad weather make transportation difficult. But getting together with friends and family, even if it means setting up a play date for your kids just so you can mingle with other parents, being social is a huge, mood-changing exercise no matter what time of year it is.Good idea but I don't have young kids...Maybe I'll see who else is off from work and wants to split a pizza!

4. Make changes to your diet. Eating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and laying off of the caffeine and carbs will increase your mood and help in fending off winter weight gain. Not drink coffee? Not a chance!

5. Redecorate. I am sure there is a corner of the house that you have wanted to do something different with, no? Since the polar vortex likely already has you house-bound, make the most of it by changing your scenery. And moving the couch from here to there or hanging new wallpaper will also get you more of our #1 step — no gym membership necessary. HAH! Fat chance!

6. Read that book you never got through. You would be amazed by how much time flies when you’re engrossed in a page turner. And, with the onslaught of e-books and Kindle bestsellers today, the options really are endless. That's an idea I can get behind..I have about four Walter Mosely novels that I haven't read yet!

7. Reconnect with your family or roommates. No parents available for that play date? Have one with your spouse or housemate instead. A good adult game night gives you a chance to spend quality time with those you love most.I don't have a child that young...My daughter is 33 and has three kids of her own..And they don't live here...

8. Finish those Netflix movies sitting on the shelf. Got 378 films in your queue? No better time than February and or mid winter to get through all those documentaries or TV shows you planned on binge watching back in September. You might actually have a conversation piece when you get back to work.  I might at that!

It's the middle of an ice storm... Like I said...This winter is wearing me out!


Grover Tha Playboy said...

I feel you on that !

Arlene said...

I'm with you! We should hibernate. I'd be comfortable snuggled up in a cave!
And I did watch a movie that was just sitting on the shelf. I watched "Mister and Pete" starring Jennifer Hudson as a drug addicted mother trying to get life together for herself and teenage son. I was surprised it was so good. Jeffrey Wright played a mentally compromised veteran living on the streets and "Adebesi" (the guy from HBO's OZ) played a police captain. Then I watched "Reasonable Doubt" with wildman Sam Jackson. Nobody plays crazy better than he does. The storyline was predictable but so what, it was a snow day!!
You know I'm pleased to have snow days! Twelve inches!! Bring it!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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