Monday, April 12, 2010

Random Thoughts

1. When did men wearing jeans that sag so much their boxers showed for the whole world, become sexy?

2. Why does a team with a losing record keep their quarterback, while another that consistantly wins and goes to the playoffs trades theirs to a division rival (I'll say no names)?

3. People use the weather as an excuse not to vote, not to go to church, etc. but we will go to work in any kind of weather. We have to be told by our employer that they are closed because of the weather, for us not to go.

4. As much as I post on Facebook, you would think that writing "Random Thoughts" and "What I've Learned" would come easy to me. It turns out that these posts take just as much thought as any other post that I write.

5. When people write "I'm in a relationship, but it's complicated" what do they really mean? ("I'm just barely holding on."... "It's damn near over."... and "I'm not really into nothin'." comes to mind when I read that.)

6. Some people have no clue as to how difficult they are as human beings, then they sit and wonder why they have no friends.

7. Now that the "tea baggers" have failed to break this president and rain on his parade. Can they just go away quietly?

8. No child should be conceived unless both parents are ready to love and protect them. Of course, this is just obviousness that gets tossed on the back burner more times than not.

9. It's amazing that when we start to rise and progress, we get more hate from people who look like us (and therefore, should understand) than we do others who don't necessarily share our sameness.

10. It's great that the people who created "The Wire" have given us another HBO series, "Treme". Hopefully, I'll have a new reason to watch TV on Sunday nights again!


Shanel said...

My husband and I watched Treme last night... I hope it does well... it could be a good show.. they definitely have some good cast members.... and I don't understand why boys and men wear sagging pants... it's kinda nasty looking if you ask me...

Don said...

Numbers 8 and 9 - Truth. The whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Man. You wouldn't believe how excited I am about Treme. I think David Simon is a genius in drama series and I look forward to watching every episode over and over again.

I am very compassionate towards the plight of many Hurricane Katrina victims. Even went and did some volunteer work back in '08 on behalf of the elderly folks whose lives were destroyed due to Katrina.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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