Friday, April 23, 2010

Weekend Humor

Two guys, Jimmy and Johnny, stand at heaven's gate, waiting to be interviewed by Saint Peter.

Jimmy: " Hey Man. How did you get here?"

Johnny: "Hypothermia. I froze to death. How 'bout you?"

Jimmy: "You won't believe it. I thought my wife was cheating on me, so I came home early one day, hoping to catch the guy. I accused her of being unfaithful and searched the entire house without any luck. Then, I felt so horrible about the whole thing that I had a massive heart attack and dropped dead right on the living room floor, can you believe that?"

Johnny: "Awww, man! If you had only checked the walk-in freezer, both of us would still be alive! Dangggggg!


Shanel said...

Now that's funny... thanks for getting my Friday started out right:)

Arlene said...

Cuz, that's hilariuos! Thanks for kicking off the weekend with a laugh. We're off to the women's retreat. Stay safe while we're gone. We're going to pray for you about that car business. Remember Vev's issues with white cars? Could it run in the family?? LOL

Mizrepresent said...

Funny Keith! Have a great weekend!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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