Thursday, April 8, 2010

What The Hell?

The Governor of Virginia, Bob McDonnell wants to celebrate, get this... "Confederate History Month". I guess it's a case of jealousy. After all, Black people have their month and I guess Kluxers and racists should have their month.

Of course, the problem is that the two histories are not, to borrow a favorite phrase of right- wing apologists and conservatives, morally equivalent. Yeah, get that? Black History Month was created to highlight people whose achievements have largely been excluded from mainstream American history. The narrative of Black History Month is rooted in the heroic 400-year effort of African Americans to be seen and treated as equal citizens of the United States and to participate in creating a more perfect union.

This crap he's talking about is one of the darkest periods of American history that all Americans, Black and White, should be ashamed of. As for the narrative of Confederate History Month... well, it's already running into some controversy. In his original proclomation, McDonnell failed to mention a little thing called SLAVERY--then tried to back track and say later that it was just one of the causes of the Civil War. His proclamation reads: "Whereas, it is important for all Virginians to reflect upon our Commonwealth's shared history, to understand the sacrifices of the Confederate leaders, soldiers, and citizens during the period of the Civil War, and to recognize how our history has led to our present..."

Is he out of his mind? Is he serious? Sadly to say, he is (serious and out of his mind). You see, this is why every citizen should go and vote. I don't care what the weather is like that day. By not voting, you allow nuts like him and damn near every elected politician in the State of South Carolina to win elections.


Arlene said...

And you're surprised?? This is the quality of elected official that the GOP produces. In November, the party was overjoyed with winning the election in VA taking over for a democrat governor. Well, the residents of VA didn't come out to vote. So as Justin used to say, "That's what you get!"
We say the same thing for NJ voters who ended up with Chris Christie, a GOP governor. He's now stripping the state of any funding that benefits the middle wage earners and the poor. He's cutting schools, health care, recreation, state services, and everything that the state used to help cities do. But you'll note that he refuses to even consider returning the tax on those who make more than $400,000. That's a 4 with 6 zeros. But Joe Smoe earning a 4 with 4 zeros won't have a place to send his kids for recreation, a library, or even clean water. The guy with 5 zeros will send his kid to France for the summer.
What a world!!
Last night Roland Martin of CNN lambasted the organization the prompted the governor to issue the proclamation. I'm pretty sure CNN has it saved. Check it out. See you on the "red carpet."

svrbrownsuga said...

What a waste!...not surprising though :(


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