Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hey Scott, Things Aint Lookin Too Good!

Scott Walker, Republican Governor of Wisconsin ,Land of the cheeseheads!  Darling of the Tea Party, Tried to break the unions and successfully took away collective bargaining from State employees...Was on top of the world for a minute... Not so now...

Wisconsin activists have submitted petitions with 1 million signatures to state officials on Tuesday -- almost twice the number of eligible voters needed to force the notorious anti-labor Gov. Scott Walker to face a new election.

A total of 540,208 valid signatures are required to recall Scott Walker, the Republican governor, who was elected in 2010. On Tuesday afternoon, the United Wisconsin movement that was organized to recall and remove the governor submitted almost twice that number ...

The movement to oust Scott Walker will have secured the support of a higher percentage of eligible voters than has ever before sought to recall an American governor.

Ummph,Ummph Ummph...Where's your swagger now Gov?

These figures are ominous for Governor Walker, whose poll numbers collapsed after he attacked the collective bargaining rights of state, county and municipal workers and teachers in a power move last winter that provoked mass demonstrations. Neither Scott Walker nor his foes now express any serious doubts about the prospect that Wisconsin’s high standard for forcing a recall election will be met.

Petitioners were required to gather 25 percent of the total turnout in the most recent gubernatorial election -- 540,208 valid signatures -- to trigger a new election. That election could take place as early as this April, although the precise date will not be determined until the petitions have been reviewed and certified by the state Government Accountability Board ...

We hope that the hubris among Scott Walker and his ilk (ie- The Tea Party) has been shaken by this movement. Did they think working people would just stand by and let them wage war on the middle class? Did they? Well think again...

In the words of the immortal Dandy Don..."Turn the lights out...The (Tea) Party is over!" Okay,I added Tea Party, but you get my drift!

1 comment:

Arlene said...

Keith, you and Dandy Don have it right! I believe the teabaggers really did a job on their own constituents with their far right objectives. The blame is squarely on their shoulders and America knows it. They can't scream loud or long enough to make Americans believe that they want what's best for ALL of us. They want their "country back" and we want our country "forward." Their hate soured everyone's milk. The price to be paid is sending Walker walking.


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