Monday, June 9, 2008

Since I've Been Gone

Well, it's good to be back amongst the living again. I was gone for a little while. While I was away...

Obama finally won the nomination. Hillary Clinton didn't exactly concede... she uh, suspended her campaign. (Does this mean that she'll resume running should Barack Obama, trip and stumble into traffic?)

The Boston Celtics took a 2-0 lead over the Los Angeles Lakers in the NBA Finals.

Those lovely folks over at the "fair and balanced" news for the Fourth Reich (aka Fox News) have found a new (made up) controversy...the missing Michelle Obama tape.

In one afternoon, Lou Dobbs praised Obama (for taking on his challenge to get rid of lobbyists and influence peddlers in government) and buried him (Calling him a liar for implying that he and Rush Limbaugh actually agree on something?) are fanning the xenophobic flames of anti-immigrant sentiments.

Oh yeah, and gas finally spiked to $ 4.00+/gallon!

As you can see, I'm having fun with the latest news stories. I'm sure I'll have plenty more to get off my chest in the coming days. A-h-h, the world just keeps on becoming less of a fun place, doesn't it?

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