1. My grandson teaches me everyday how beautiful it is to learn something new and how we take the simple things like talking, walking, holding hands, and trusting someone for granted.
2. My uncle used to tell me, "If you're the smartest one in the group of friends you're with, you need to get new friends." He meant, always associate with people who can teach you something and enrich your life.
3. I talk to God quite often and I'm pretty sure I've given Him some of His best laughs.
4. A woman once told me, "I need a man like a fish needs a bicycle." She's since been married twice! It just goes to show that you can't always take everything somebody says seriously.
5. Live everyday as though it's your last because one day, you'll be right.
6. We want God, who none of us has ever seen, to forgive us... and yet, we can't forgive the people we actually see everyday for some real or imagined slight.
7. You can't influence what other people say or do to you, however, you can control how you respond to what they say or do.
8. Good guys don't always win but, determined and patient guys seldom lose!
9. I was so broke one time, I couldn't afford a Coke. I don't even drink soda anymore but, right now, I could buy a case of Coke if I wanted to. (How ya like me now?)
10. As a child I loved to sit at the end of a movie or a television show and read all of the credits. I had to know who was in it, who directed it, and who produced it. I was (and still am) the same way about music. I got to know all of the musicians, who wrote what song, who produced it, etc. One of my uncles asked me once if I was looking for a relative in the credits.-LOL :)
11. Never get romantically involved with anyone who has more issues than you do!
12. Never make someone else a priority who has chosen to make you an option.
13. Keep your wits about you when everybody else is losing theirs and you'll look like the coolest, most intelligent, and attractive cat in the room! (Even if you really aren't!)
14. If you gotta take a loss, don't lose the lesson. There is always one somewhere in all of that!
15. Prayer really does work!
In loving memory of two bloggers we lost this year... Nikki Harris and MacArthur "Daddy B Strong" Walton. The blogosphere was all the more richer because you two were here.
2. My uncle used to tell me, "If you're the smartest one in the group of friends you're with, you need to get new friends." He meant, always associate with people who can teach you something and enrich your life.
3. I talk to God quite often and I'm pretty sure I've given Him some of His best laughs.
4. A woman once told me, "I need a man like a fish needs a bicycle." She's since been married twice! It just goes to show that you can't always take everything somebody says seriously.
5. Live everyday as though it's your last because one day, you'll be right.
6. We want God, who none of us has ever seen, to forgive us... and yet, we can't forgive the people we actually see everyday for some real or imagined slight.
7. You can't influence what other people say or do to you, however, you can control how you respond to what they say or do.
8. Good guys don't always win but, determined and patient guys seldom lose!
9. I was so broke one time, I couldn't afford a Coke. I don't even drink soda anymore but, right now, I could buy a case of Coke if I wanted to. (How ya like me now?)
10. As a child I loved to sit at the end of a movie or a television show and read all of the credits. I had to know who was in it, who directed it, and who produced it. I was (and still am) the same way about music. I got to know all of the musicians, who wrote what song, who produced it, etc. One of my uncles asked me once if I was looking for a relative in the credits.-LOL :)
11. Never get romantically involved with anyone who has more issues than you do!
12. Never make someone else a priority who has chosen to make you an option.
13. Keep your wits about you when everybody else is losing theirs and you'll look like the coolest, most intelligent, and attractive cat in the room! (Even if you really aren't!)
14. If you gotta take a loss, don't lose the lesson. There is always one somewhere in all of that!
15. Prayer really does work!
In loving memory of two bloggers we lost this year... Nikki Harris and MacArthur "Daddy B Strong" Walton. The blogosphere was all the more richer because you two were here.