Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Simple Plan

Last week, I wrote about that horrific murder of a kid in Chicago. Afterwards, I heard people saying that our young men were lost and that there was nothing that could be done about them. I have never believed that was true. I look at a lot of these wanna-be-thugs and thugs-in-progress today and I realize something... they are just kids and, but for the grace of God, I could have been just like any one of them.

Then, I was having a discussion with someone the other night about a solution for a lot of the fatherless boys and I came up with something that seemed like a way. I think that single mothers should try to hook-up with responsible men that their sons can see and responsible men who will take some time out to play a part in or guide their young sons. There are some things that a woman just can't teach a boy about manhood. So, single mothers should do what they can to see that their sons have some positive man in his life. I think here would be a good start.

A lot of women and single mothers might get offended by that but, let's look at it from this standpoint... I couldn't teach a girl everything she needs to know about how to be a woman. There are some things that she would just have to learn from her mother or from some other woman. What I'm saying is not sexist but, just good common sense.

There are some women who have told me (and I know this to be true) that, when they have hooked-up with a guy who tried to help them with their sons, the biological father (aka the sperm donor) has suddenly showed up and declared, "This is mah son and ah don't want no other man around him. I'll see you next week." or something to that effect. My word for them is, if you're not doing anything for your son and the woman has to practically blackmail you to see him (as well as pay your child support) then, just step off and let somebody that's willing to do for him, do for him. That's the least you can do.

My plan doesn't cost the tax payers any money. These are not throw away boys and they can be saved if somebody just takes the time to spend some time with them and show them the right way. It's a cheap and workable plan. It's a beginning. If the guy is going to be around the mother for more than a night, that son (or that daughter) is going to be there too. He might as well make himself useful by being a part of their lives or else, he's just a sperm donor.

As I said, it's not much but, it's a simple plan. It's more than I hear on these television shows.


James Perkins said...

A Simple Plan and a good one Keith!

Sean said...

Excellent point..Simplistic to the point of genius!

Simon Bastion said...

I like the way you think brother!

Anonymous said...

I'm 100% behind your plan!

Arlene said...

Great idea, but I think it's a little out of order. Perhaps women and men should think about the consequences BEFORE they make a baby. If the interactions between the adults is for pleasure only, then plan the proper protection against pregnancy. If the goal is to conceive a child, then plan to be committed to that child from that moment of conception through independence. I think too many children are born as a result of a lack of preparedness. No one prepared for the arrival or the life the child is to lead once here. That's why so many daddies can simply walk away. So many mommies are overwhelmed with having to care long term for an action that probably lasted just a few minutes. Some of those mommies are angry at the daddies and demonstrate that anger in the treatment of the children.
P.S. Watch that "there but for the grace of God go I" phrase. I know you know that God is LOVE and GRACE. God withholds no good and perfect gift from us, ALL of us. And God's grace is available for all of us. Remember the scripture says the "For God so loved the WORLD, He gave..." Not just America, not just our people, but everyone. His grace is sufficient for all our needs!

clnmike said...

Nice idea, but your going on the assumption that these women are able to make a responsible an well thought out choice when they obviousely not able to when they had the kid with the baby father. If were going to say that it is the men's fault, which it is not all the time. Men and women have to start taking a long look in the mirror first.

12kyle said...

Simplicity is a great thing! I like this idea, bruh. As always, your thought process is ahead of the game


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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