Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I Can't Live Without My Cell Phone

Most of my friends text. They have Blackberrys, iPhones, and they probably are candidates for carpal tonal syndrome in their thumbs from texting so much. They're on the bus texting, the subway texting, sitting next to me in my car texting, at the bar texting and laughing to themselves. They used to text me but, since I never text back, they stopped.

Me, I talk on my cell phone... not a lot and certainly not as much as some people but, enough. Which brings me to my real topic… brain tumors and cell phones! I was watching Larry King earlier tonight and they had a panel of "experts" on talking about a possible link between cell phone usage and brain tumors.

This is a prime example of the kind of foolishness that gets passed for "news" on a slow news day. They have been talking about this for 7 years now and no study has really said that there is conclusive evidence that there is a link.

One expert said that when this study was initially started, they were talking about analog cell phones, which nobody uses anymore. He said that practically all cell phones on the market now are digital and give off a burst of radiation too low to concern anyone. (I was concerned that any radiation at all might be near my head.)

A doctor remarked that brain tumors have been around long before cell phones and that they, more than likely, will be around when something new comes along. (Wow, I'll bet he sat at the head of HIS class!)

Some woman from one of those "red states" that elected George W. Bush called in and asked if, the fact that she lives near a cell tower puts her in any danger of getting a brain tumor. I wanted to say, "Yeah, it puts you in danger of letting the Martians know how stupid you are."

Larry King asked if there was any documented cases of someone developing a brain tumor from cell phone usage. The doctor said, "There is no more proof that using a cell phone causes brain tumors than there is that not using one causes them."

At that point, I had enough of the foolishness. I turned the TV off and came in my study to write this post. Uh... oh, I gotta go... my cell phone is ringing!


Dreamy said...

see that is the reason i dont watch that stuff

they have to always find something to talk about

and 9 times out of 10 its bullshy

OG, The Original Glamazon said...

Me either, but I am a texter. I rather text than talk any day!! *lol*


micheal smith said...

Some days agao one of my college sent me the message about cell phone frequency waves and heart problems and he adviced me to keep my cell phone away while sleeping and i think we should not keep it in the shirt pocket and we should keep it in the pocket of our trouser, as they can cause trouble for our chest, Websites are always helpful in one way or the other, anyways, mcsa training a good way to get started to renovate your dreams into the world of reality.


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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