Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Who's A Patriot?

One thing that the Bush Administration has done successfully (and, probably the only thing) is to convince the general public that if they question any of their policies (no matter how idiotic they have proved to be), they are UNAMERICAN and UNPATRIOTIC...

If you are against this war that Bush just had to have, you are against the troops and against America.

If you travel to Iraq, as actor Sean Penn did in 2003, simply to see for yourself what is going on, you are unpatriotic.

If you say that you are ashamed of your president's actions... a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States... you are a traitor and should be tried for treason. Ask the Dixie Chicks, if you think that I'm exaggerating.

If you happen to be running for president of the United States and also happen to be black with a peculiar kind of name that doesn't sound too American... you must have your patriotism questioned and you have to explain over and over again that you are patriotic.

If you, however, served in Vietnam and got shot down, you get a pass... despite the fact that you might have said that you didn't love America until you became a prisoner of war. Ask John McCain... he actually said that not once, but twice.

If a certain presidential candidate's wife had a slight slip of the tongue by saying that she was "finally proud of her country" for how far it had come... this slip is just cause for her patriotism to be questioned.


I think that allowing the city of New York to be bombed on September 11th, when you were given several warnings from several different sources about certain terroristic activity and afterwards, lying to the entire nation and thrusting it into a war that it can't get out of and has bankrupted the nation's future should be just cause to have your patriotism questioned!



OG, The Original Glamazon said...

Preach on and I thought Barry’s speech on patriotism was excellent. I read it because I think that is the true test of speech's content, plus I’m at work with no access to streaming video. I am sure he delivered the thoughtful words much better than how they ran in my head!!

But YOU ARE SO RIGHT on all the points you make here. I am not even going to talk about the double standards between what McCain said and Michelle and how it was Cindy McCain who tried to CALL Michelle out on basically the same sentiment of her husband. Good post!


Arlene said...

How about that? I agree that only those who agree with Dubya are patriots. Also, consider the meeting that Dick Cheney had to plan out an energy strategy. Do you remeber the meeting that Dick refused to name those in attendance? The conspiracy theorist in me says the meeting planned to fleece Americans of our fuel dollars. I think "they" were putting together the plan to increase gasoline prices for Dubya's oil producing friends. If Dick was working on a policy, what is it? $5 a gallon gas? Dick did it!!

Mizrepresent said...

Standing, applauding! I so agree with you on so many levels man, let me tell you. We have come so far, and thank God we are able to recognize the clowns from the devils, from those who will seek to deliver us...we are still here and we see and we feel and we know the truth! Speak the truth Keith!


"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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