Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Clean Up Man (A Love Story)

I wrote about my friend N. in a previous post called Down Low, Dirty Shame. She was once engaged to a guy who also had a penchant for an occasional romp with a young man. Well, she ultimately married another guy who is very nice and, apparently, makes her very happy. It's been two years of marriage for them so far and every time I see her, she is just glowing.

A couple of my co-workers and I stopped off at a new restaurant after work yesterday and I saw N. and her husband, (I'll call him) L., sitting out on the deck at a table with another one of my friends. I went over to join them, sat down, and ordered. We started talking about relationships and N. was telling the other woman sitting there that she had seen me and my wife riding the bus and the EL (elevated trains) to work together for years and was so inspired by us (a fact I didn't know). She said that she remembered when our daughter was little and she observed all of us during the years that she was growing up... all the while, hoping that she could find that kind of relationship.

So, I asked her, "How did you know that L. was the guy for you?" He laughed and covered his face and I knew that this was going to be an interesting story. N. said, "Well, he was over my house... he had only known me for about a month... I got sick and vomited all over my sheets, the floor, and everything." I recoiled in horror. N. continued... "This guy got a mop and bucket, ran some hot water, got some Pine Soil, and mopped the floor. He cleaned up everything. Then, he took my sheets and pillow cases and put them in the washing machine. After that, he took off my clothes..." I stopped her right there and said, "Should I be hearing this?" N. laughed and said, "Oh, shut up... I was hardly in any condition for what you're thinking. After he washed the sheets and pillow cases, he washed my clothes and ironed them while I was sleeping. I knew right then and there that this was the man for me!"

All I could say was, "Wow!" I didn't expect a story like that but, I have to admit... I can see why she would feel this way. Most people (including yours truly) run when somebody mentions throwing up... and, cleaning up my own has never been my favorite pastime. But, this guy not only cleaned it up, he cleaned the bed sheets and her clothes. L. still had his head down, shyly laughing. I shook his hand and said, "My hat is off to ya're a good man. I don't know if I could've done it." He said, "I wish she would stop telling that story. I've done better things... I mean more romantic and appealing things than that stuff." I looked at N., winked, and said "Maybe so, but it's the down and dirty things that let you know whether or not you've got a soldier." N. just nodded her head in agreement.


Mizrepresent said...

Awe, i love this...and you know what...i would have felt just like she did...bc any man or woman that could put up with that...has got to be down for you!

Dreamy said...

ohhhh man, i really second what Miz says.

she has found her something special, and I hope that it lasts

this was a nice story Keith, i am very happy for your friend!!!

The F_Uitlist said...

That was an amazing love story.Its always the simple stories like these that show what real love is.

*shutting down computer going to call hubby*

OG, The Original Glamazon said...

Man, that was awesome; I mean you know that is what love is about the loving people through the worse. I’m glad they shared and I am glad you shared. Look at you inspiring folks and thangs!! *lol*



"Mommy, can I go to Timmy's blog and play?"

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